netdecking with the stars
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104 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Phlage, Titan Of Fire's Fury Becker Eddie Duel Commander Win a Biland des Licornes @ Bourges (France) 3-4 19/01/25
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Freddie Aguilar cEDH Battle for the Throne - cEDH 5k @ Iron Lion Collectibles (Colorado Springs, CO) 5-8 09/11/24
Phlage, Titan Of Fire's Fury Eddie Becker Duel Commander Win a Biland ! @ Octopus Game(Bourges, France) 1 20/10/24
Painter Eddie Richter Legacy MMS 1k @ Mythic Games (Denver, CO) 2 15/09/24
Dimir Aggro Eddie Walker Standard VML/BOP! Safe Playspace Fundraiser Tournament @ VML 9-16 01/09/24
Painter Eddie Legacy Win-A-Dual @ Dungeons & Javas (Colorado Springs, CO) 2 28/07/24
Rakdos, the Muscle Eddie Wong cEDH CommanderFest @ Guangzhou (China) 9-16 22/06/24
Dimir Aggro Eddie Walker Standard BOP! 1k @ Nile Joan Rivers 5-8 16/06/24
Orzhov Aggro Teddie Andersson Standard Gentry Championship @ Kortspelsförening (Malmö, Sweden) 5-8 12/05/24
Painter eddietheintern Legacy MTGO League 8 30/04/24
Indoraptor, The Perfect Hybrid Eddie Becker Duel Commander DC @ Le Conseil Des Licornes (Bourges, France) 1 07/04/24
Errant And Giada Eddie Becker Duel Commander Championnat Régional Auvergne @ Clermont-Ferrand (France) 3-4 31/03/24
Painter Eddierichter Legacy Atarka Rizzcord Championship Series - Round 1 @ ARCS (?) 5-8 30/03/24
Boros Painter Eddie R Legacy Duel for the Dual @ Dungeons & Javas (Colorado Springs, CO) 8 10/03/24
Chord Toolbox zEddie Modern MTGO League 6 27/02/24
Errant And Giada Becker Eddie Duel Commander DC des JeuxVidéo+ Pithiviers @ Pithiviers (France) 3-4 25/02/24
Chord Toolbox zEddie Modern MTGO Preliminary 3 12/12/23
Chord Toolbox zEddie Modern MTGO Preliminary 3 12/12/23
Chord Toolbox zEddie Modern MTGO League 5 05/12/23
Gruul Aggro Eddie Hogue Pioneer Super Qualifier @ F2F Tour Weekend (Toronto, Canada) 3-4 29/11/23
Karlov Of The Ghost Council Eddie Becker Duel Commander DC @ Le Conseil Des Licornes (Bourges, France) 5-8 03/11/23
Goblins eddiecheng Modern MTGO League 6 12/09/23
Metamorphic Alteration Freddie Barber Explorer Open @ The Pizza Box 9-16 25/06/23
Grixis Control Freddie Barber Standard Open @ The Pizza Box 5-8 21/05/23
Grixis Control Freddie Barber Standard Slice @ The Pizza Box 9-16 07/05/23
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