netdecking with the stars
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1067 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Feldon, Ronom Excavator Tasch Koning Duel Commander Hex Club: DC Championship @ Nexus Hub (Randburg, South Africa) 14 23/11/24
Feldon, Ronom Excavator Jonathan Piemont Duel Commander DC Win a box @ Albi (France) 5-8 20/10/24
Feldon, Ronom Excavator Worley De Guzman Duel Commander Duel for Badlands @ Mage Ring Hobby Shop (Philippines) 3-4 04/05/24
Irofal-huck Matheo Chatelain Duel Commander Nexus Duel Championship 2023 @ Muret (France) 5-8 02/12/23
Feldon, Red Can Win John "khorus" Duel Commander GTC 2023 : Goblin Trading Corp @ Salles-la-Source (France) 5-8 13/08/23
Ardoz, Cobbler Of War Ninh Hao Duel Commander 22 Cerny Rytir PDC @ Prague (Czech Republic) 9-16 11/03/23
Feldonn Mickael Leglise Duel Commander Commander Wars @ Libourne (France) 4 12/02/23
Feldon, Ronom Excavator Guilherme Muniz Duel Commander [RC] Semanal @ Cards of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 3-4 04/02/23
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Gleison Silva Duel Commander [RC] Semanal @ Cards of Paradise (Brasil) 1 02/02/23
Feldon, Ronom Excavator Mic Peralta Duel Commander Sunday Duel @ Upkeep Hobbies 2 28/01/23
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Gleison Silva Duel Commander [RC] Semanal Cards of Paradise @ Cards of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro) 5-8 18/01/23
Kari-zen Miroslav Švec Duel Commander DC @ Dragon World (Úvaly, Czech Republic) 5-8 18/12/22
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Aerwin Asico Duel Commander Chinky Birthday Special @ King and Queen Milktea (Marikina City, Philippines) 5-8 19/11/22
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Gleison Silva Duel Commander [RC] @ Cards of Paradise (Vila Kosmos, Brazil) 3-4 28/09/22
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Jan Štercl Duel Commander DC Šedý útes @ České Budějovice 5-8 03/09/22
Zo-zu The Punisher Gabriel Matos Duel Commander [RC] 7º Torneio VanguardaGeek @ VanguardaGeek (Bangu/RJ, Brazil)) 2 20/08/22
Kari Zev Jb Pineda Duel Commander DC Circuit Season1 Trial1 @ Black Scoop (Taguig, Philippines) 7 02/07/22
Kari Zev Aerwin Asico Duel Commander Tapped + Monarch Special @ King & Queen Milktea (Marikina City, Philippines) 3-4 25/06/22
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Estan Duel Commander [RC] 7° Torneio @ Manavai (Campo Grande/RJ) 3-4 10/06/22
Kari Zev Mickael Leglise Duel Commander Commander Wars @ Libourne (France) 5 28/05/22
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Estan Duel Commander [RC] 6º torneio ManavaiBR @ Manavai (Campo Grande-RJ, Brazil)) 2 25/05/22
Kari Zev Migs Lo Duel Commander Weekly Challenge @ Black Scoop (Taguig, Philippines) 3-4 14/05/22
Atsushi, The Blazing Sky Gabriel Matos Duel Commander Real Comandante Vanguarda 4 @ Vanguarda Geek (Bangu, Brazil) 2 29/04/22
Kari Zev Aerwin Asico Duel Commander DC @ Tapped Games (Marikina City, Philippines) 3-4 26/03/22
Kari Zev Morris Martinez Duel Commander DC Weekly @ Mana Underground (Lagro, Philippines) 3-4 26/03/22
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