netdecking with the stars
Event fields
Event Title required Please be precise enough so we don't publish an event twice.
Format required Obviously, let you choose the format for your event among those we support.
Date required Date format is "day/month/year", but you may go for the short version. For example "02/03/2014" and "2/3/14" will both be understood as March 2, 2014.
Nb of players required No comment.
Link optional The source of the event, will be shown on the event page.
Email optional Here only for communication purpose. Will not be public.
Decks fields
Title optional If you don't fill this, the deck title will be the name of the archetype we'll choose for it.
Player required No comment.
Rank required If the top 8 is played in rounds of single elimination, please choose ranks 3-4 and 5-8 over 3,4,5,6,7 or 8.
General information
Use the white boxes under "Cards" to add/delete/modify the cards for each deck, then hit at the end of the page. It will not submit the event, you'll have the last word with a button if everything's OK.
Submit all the decks altogether or one at a time, it doesn't matter.
Use english names only.
Each line beginning with // will be ignored.
The search script is case insensitive, and is not picky about special characters like commas and quotes.
For example, you can type TeNzA goDos' maUL, our awesome card recognition bot will know you're adding Tenza, Godo's Maul.
Cards with no match in our database will show under the title // NO MATCH, with a useful card finder tool you can access by clicking on the . Once the card with the correct name shows in the results list, you can click it to replace the incorrect name.
Cards without a number of copies will be given 1 (useful for commander lists).
Apprentice and MWS file format are welcome.
If some decks don't reach the legal number of cards for a given format, you will be warned, but you'll still be able to submit the event by hititng . However, if too many cards are missing, we may decide to not publish the event.
Sideboard format
You can add sideboard cards to your decks by using one of the two following formats :
Commander decks
Add your commander as the only sideboard card, using SB : before the name of the card.
When using a companion, add the card to the sideboard, if you already have a commander, it will be considered your companion.
Privacy Policy
The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast..