netdecking with the stars
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60 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Malcolm + Vial Smasher Lupine Alerich cEDH Fishbowl San Diego - (Group 3) Redemption Event 2 02/03/25
Amulet Titan Guglielmo Lupi Modern Monsters League #12 @ Dungeon Street (Pisa, Italy) 1 15/09/24
Nadu, Winged Wisdom Tj Lupinek cEDH The Summer Classic @ Northstar Cedh (Blaine, MN) 1 15/06/24
Rakdos Midrange Lupin88 Pioneer MTGO League 1 14/06/24
Chord Toolbox Lorenzo Lupini Modern Grand Open Qualifier Bologna 2024 - Legacy European Tour @ Bologna (italy) 33-64 27/04/24
Chord Toolbox Lorenzo Lupini Modern Legacy European Championship @ Legacy European Tour (Ghent, Belgium) 33-64 27/01/24
Ur Murktide Guglielmo Lupi Modern WPN Qualifier @ La Rocca di Darsheyalon (Italia) 3-4 17/12/23
Ur Murktide Guglielmo Lupi Modern Monsters League #4 @ Dungeon Street (Pisa, Italy) 3-4 10/12/23
Yawgmoth Lorenzo Lupini Modern WPNQ @ Playtime (Merate, Italy) 1 15/10/23
UrzaTron Lupin88 Modern MTGO Challenge 16 25/06/23
Chord Toolbox Lorenzo Lupini Modern 4 Seasons Main Event @ Bologna (Italy) 3-4 06/12/22
Rakdos Aggro Lupidogmtg Pioneer MTGO Challenge 4 21/08/22
Bant Spirits Dino Lupi Pioneer Store Champ @ Game People Quartu (Quartu Sant'Elena, CA, Italy) 1 17/07/22
UR Storm SenorLupin Modern MTGO Modern League 5 04/06/21
Red Deck Wins Claudio Lupi Standard Dealers at Home! @ MagicDealers 2 04/09/20
Boros Cycling Aggro Claudio Lupi Standard Liga Dealers at Home! Torneo @ MagicDealers 2 07/08/20
Boros Cycling Aggro Claudio Lupi Standard Liga Dealers at Home! @ MagicDealers 2 17/07/20
Selesnya Company Lorenzo Lupini Modern Ovino Modern Side Event @ UESM Milano 5-8 28/09/18
Ponza Dino Lupi Modern PPTQ @ DarkSide Comics & Games 1 26/08/18
Tron Justin Lupichuk Modern PPTQ @ Sequence (Brockville, ON) 5-8 11/08/18
Grixis Delver klupicki Legacy MTGO Competitive Legacy League 4 08/01/18
Sultai Constrictor klupicki Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 4 09/12/17
Temur Energy Klupicki Standard MTGO Standard PTQ #11025682 5-8 02/12/17
Grixis Delver klupicki Legacy MTGO Competitive Legacy League 2 08/11/17
Death's Shadow klupicki Modern MTGO Competitive Modern League 2 04/10/17
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