netdecking with the stars
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434 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Korvold, Fae-Cursed King Sean Anastasi cEDH Commander Tournament Salt Level 7 @ CONNECTICLUB Coworking & Cultural Centre (Mosta, Malta) 3-4 15/12/24
Thrasios + Tymna Sean Barmapov cEDH December cEDH Tournament @ Sky High Comics Comic & Games (Fort Pierce, FL) 5-8 14/12/24
Tymna + Thrasios Sean cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ The Gathering Place (Chapel Hill, NC) 17-32 07/12/24
Boros Energy Sean Zhou Modern MXPHOU ReCQ @ Laughing Dragon MTG (Hoston, TX) 3-4 06/12/24
Dimir Aggro Sean Murdoch Standard $10K RCQ @ SCG CON Columbus 3-4 16/11/24
Azorius Aggro Sean Mogelgaard Standard Friday $10K Trial @ SCG CON Columbus 3-4 15/11/24
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Sean Wiley cEDH The Boil 2 Redemption @ Charlie's Collectible Show (Stone Mountain, GA) 5-8 10/11/24
Vial Smasher + Thrasios Sean Blott cEDH 1K cEDH @ 8th Side (Lincoln Park, MI) 2 09/11/24
Thrasios + Tymna Sean Evans cEDH cEDH @ Windfall Games (Tehachapi, CA) 3-4 09/11/24
Zur the Enchanter Sean O'connor cEDH The Salt Flats @ Mythos Games (South Jordan, UT) 1 09/11/24
Roxanne, Starfall Savant Sean Fite cEDH cEDH October $1k - MFG @ Mind Full Games (Tacoma, WA) 5-8 26/10/24
Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd Sean Goddard "Beekeeper" Duel Commander MTGO Creator Showdown $5K 2 13/10/24
Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph Sean Wilson cEDH Commandergeddon 6 9-16 12/10/24
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Sean Wiley cEDH Mondays Last Commander Standings @ TopTierBangers - spell table 3-4 07/10/24
Necrodominance - Ring Control Seanfitzger Modern Sunday $5K RCQ @ SCG CON Washington DC 5-8 06/10/24
Thrasios + Rograkh Sean Duffy cEDH "Spooked Ya" 2k cEDH @ The King's Court Gaming (Taunton, MA) 5-8 05/10/24
Omnath Ramp Sean Passenti Pioneer $5K RCQ @ SCG CON Washington DC 9-16 05/10/24
Creatures Toolbox Seanfitzger Modern ReCQ @ SCG CON Washington DC 9-16 05/10/24
Death's Shadow Sean Murdoch Modern ReCQ @ SCG CON Washington DC 17-32 05/10/24
UW Control Sean Gallagher Pioneer Regional Championship @ SCG CON Washington DC 33-64 05/10/24
UW Control Sean Weihe Pioneer Regional Championship @ SCG CON Washington DC 65-128 05/10/24
Transmogrify Sean Zhou Pioneer Regional Championship @ SCG CON Washington DC 65-128 05/10/24
Omnath Ramp Sean Passenti Pioneer LCQ #3 @ SCG CON Washington DC 3-4 04/10/24
Selesnya Sram KohnSean Pioneer MTGO League 8 04/10/24
Thrasios + Tymna Sean Shannon cEDH cEDH Open: September @ Bastion Games (Chilliwack, Canada) 3-4 28/09/24
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