netdecking with the stars
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2641 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Tymna + Thrasios Dustin Kepler cEDH Bronze 5 @ MopTop & Beardie (Gray, GA) 3-4 09/03/25
Let's Go Golos <3 Mathieu "mwapl" Laurent Duel Commander Magic O Mont @ Mont Saint Michel (France) 9-16 09/03/25
UW Control 49wrplayer Modern MTGO Challenge 64 10 09/03/25
Tymna + Thrasios Dustin Kepler cEDH Bronze 2 @ MopTop & Beardie (Gray, GA) 3-4 08/03/25
Orzhov Phelia Laplasjan Modern MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 08/03/25
Golgari Aggro Christopher Kemple Standard ReCQ @ SCG CON Charlotte 5-8 08/03/25
Breach Michael Debenedetto-plummer Modern United States Regional Championship @ SCG CON Charlotte 9-16 08/03/25
Boros Energy Unemployment Modern "L"CQ #9 @ SCG CON Charlotte 1 07/03/25
Dimir Yorion 49wrplayer Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 07/03/25
Rakdos Midrange Misplacedginger Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 07/03/25
Esper Pixie Misplacedginger Standard MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 06/03/25
Rakdos Midrange Misplacedginger Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 04/03/25
Boros Energy Misplacedginger Modern MTGO Challenge 64 3-4 04/03/25
Dimir Control MTGplayer22 Standard MTGO League 7 02/03/25
BUG Midrange Magicofplayer1 Vintage MTGO League 1 02/03/25
Landstill Plankov Boris Premodern Ural Monthly @ Russia 5-8 02/03/25
Tymna + Thrasios Zach Ripley cEDH AFK CEDH tournament 1.5k @ AFK Games (Holt, MI) 5-8 01/03/25
Esper Control Tysen Sample Modern AZMS Qualifier #2 @ Gamer's Guild (North Phoenix, AZ) 5-8 01/03/25
Grixis Affinity Jan Plachý Pauper Finale di lega Prague @ Najáda (Prague) 2 01/03/25
Grixis Affinity Luigi Placid Pauper Lega L'Aquila - Finale di Lega - Road to Paupergeddon Lecco 2025 @ L'Aquila (Italy) 3-4 01/03/25
Boros Energy Misplacedginger Modern MTGO Challenge 32 1 01/03/25
UW Control Misplacedginger Standard MTGO Challenge 32 2 01/03/25
Kellan Sébastien Laplane Duel Commander Open qualifier Franche Comte @ Besançon (France) 3-4 01/03/25
Gruul Aggro Michael Sample Standard RCQ @ Rook's Games and More (Bozeman, MT) 1 01/03/25
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Plabo A. Duel Commander FNM Duel BCN @ inGenio (Barcelona) 4 28/02/25
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