netdecking with the stars
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48 decks matching
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Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander Open Qualifier CDF @ Esport Arena (Nimes, France) 3-4 23/03/25
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander OQ CDF @ Lootbox (Nîmes, France) 3-4 08/03/25
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander CR Languedoc Roussillon @ Gigean (France) 2 23/02/25
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander C4ST Combo Winter Warm-up @ Gigean (France) 5-8 22/02/25
Ertai Resurrected Leo Carbonell Duel Commander C4ST Midrange Summer @ Gigean (France) 1 22/09/24
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander Salt XXL Cartapapa Magic & Games  @ Saint aunès (France) 1 15/09/24
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander CDF2024 - Trophée des Champions @ Châteauroux (France) 3-4 12/07/24
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander Win a biland @ GuyaJeux (Salon de Provence, France) 5-8 12/05/24
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander creo gemo @ Gemenos (France) 2 28/04/24
Ertai Resurrected Leo Carbonell Duel Commander CR PACA by Auro @ Eyguières (France) 9-16 31/03/24
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander UTC CDF Qualifier @ Universal Games LG (Cavaillon, France) 3-4 24/03/24
Ertai Resurrected Leo Carbonell Duel Commander OQ by Auro @ MagicFrag (Aubagne, France) 5-8 17/03/24
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander CR Languedoc Roussillon @ Gigean (France) 2 25/02/24
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander Miss-Trigger Week-End Warm Up @ Gigean (France) 1 24/02/24
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander OQ by Auro @ Au dé chanceux (Aix en Provence, France) 1 18/02/24
Ertai Resurrected Leo Carbonell Duel Commander Relic Fest 2023 - Main Event @ Toulouse (France) 12 04/11/23
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander Championnat de France 2023 @ Châteauroux (France) 9 01/07/23
Ertai, Ressurected Leo Carbonell Duel Commander Oceania - La Guilde Auro @ Eyguières (France) 2 17/06/23
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander CR Languedoc Roussillon @ Montpellier (France) 1 30/04/23
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander Free Lutri Open Qualifier @ Montpellier (France) 1 29/04/23
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander tournoi 1vs1 @ Cavaillon (France) 5-8 19/03/23
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander Event @ Universal games LG (Cavaillon, France) 3-4 22/01/23
Ertai Resurrected Léo Carbonell Duel Commander ATC#14 @ Valence (France) 5-8 04/12/22
Teferi, Temporal Archmage Léo Carbonell Duel Commander Valhalla @ AsgardTCG (Toulouse, France) 5-8 12/03/22
Omnath, Locus Of Creatrion Léo Carbonell Duel Commander Link Win a Box @ Link (Nimes, France) 3-4 18/10/20
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