netdecking with the stars
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52 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Azusa, Lost But Seeking Chloé Duel Commander Ark Games Fest @ EPITA (Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France) 9-16 16/03/25
Naya Aggro Longus Schlongus Standard 400 Gems Winner Takes All @ Nothing But Land 2 08/03/25
Domain Control Chloe Woolley Standard RCQ @ Game Grid (Logan, UT) 3 08/03/25
Golgari Midrange Chloé Debesson Standard RCQ @ Magic Corporation (Paris, France) 2 01/02/25
Omniscience control James Schlott Standard $10K RCQ @ SCG CON Atlanta 17-32 05/01/25
Reanimator James Schlott Legacy Win an Uncut Sheet @ SCG CON Atlanta 3-4 03/01/25
Canadian Druid Chloe_Knight Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 21/12/24
Oath of Druids chlorophant Vintage MTGO League 4 03/11/24
Boros Energy Chloe_Knight Modern MTGO League 6 01/11/24
Boros Energy Chloé Debesson Modern RCQ @ Majestik Games (Paris, France) 2 06/10/24
Gruul Midrange Chloe Brolis Pauper FNM Road to Roma #5 2 27/09/24
Boros Energy Chloé Debesson Modern RCQ @ Damoclès (Buxerolles, France) 2 22/09/24
Eldrazi Aggro Chloe_Knight Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 11 31/08/24
Gruul Midrange Chloe Truffaz Pauper FNM Road to Roma #3 @ ? 3-4 23/08/24
UrzaTron Chloe_Knight Modern MTGO Challenge 64 3-4 21/07/24
Boros Energy Chloé Debesson Modern Destination Qualifier Lille @ Châteauroux (France) 1 14/07/24
Scapeshift Christoph Schlom Modern $10,000 Showdown @ NRG Series Indianapolis 5-8 11/05/24
Esper Midrange Christoph Schlom Standard DreamHack 2-slot RCQ @ Evanston Games and Cafe (Evanston, IL) 3-4 09/03/24
4c Elementals Chloé Debesson Modern Sunday Professor Fest @ La Malle (Reims, France) 1 03/03/24
4c Elementals Chloé Debesson Modern Saturday Professor Fest @ La Malle (Reims, France) 9-16 02/03/24
Amulet Titan Chloé Debesson Modern ZAP Realmbreakers @ Palaiseau (France) 3-4 28/10/23
Devotion to Green Chloé Debesson Pioneer Classic Qualifier @ Legacy European Tour (Lille, France) 9-16 01/10/23
Deadguy Yorion Chloe_Knight Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 10 26/08/23
Scapeshift Christoph Schlom Modern Pro Tour Competitor Second Chance PTQ @ Pastimes Events - Magicon Barcelona 5-8 30/07/23
Scapeshift Christoph Schlom Modern Pro Tour The Lord of The Rings @ Barcelona 32 28/07/23
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