netdecking with the stars
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55 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Godo, Bandit Warlord Tony Stevenson cEDH Curio Cavern's Tavern Brawl cEDH 1k @ Curio Cavern's Tavern (Springfield, VA) 9-16 22/03/25
Godo, Bandit Warlord Tony Stevenson cEDH Mana, Money, Mayhem 1k Cash CEDH @ Crimson Kings (Stafford, VA) 1 26/01/25
Godo, Bandit Warlord Tony Stevenson cEDH River City Rumble: The Royal Rumble @ Final Fortune (Glen Allen, VA) 5-8 25/01/25
Godo, Bandit Warlord Mitchell O'neill cEDH Baked Ziti Open cEDH @ Serenity Hobbies (Norwich, NY) 5-8 07/12/24
Ulamog, The Ceaseless Hunger Charles Dupont Duel Commander DC doté du Barjo @ Jeux Barjo (Bordeaux, France) 2 17/12/23
Ulamog, The Ceaseless Hunger Charles Dupont Duel Commander DC du Barjo @ Jeux Barjo (Bordeaux, France) 1 26/11/23
Ulamog, The Ceaseless Hunger Charles Dupont Duel Commander DC doté du Barjo @ Jeux Barjo (Bordeaux, France) 2 19/11/23
Mardu Initimoonvault Lillian Hovey Canadian Highlander Sports Card Alley Canlander @ Sports Card Alley Nanaimo 4 07/10/23
Bw Initiative Time Vault Joel H. Canadian Highlander MXP @ Tacoma, (WA, USA) 3-4 13/08/23
Uwr Vault Aaron Sadler Highlander Win a Dual-7 Point Highlander @ Good Games Gold Coast (Southport, Australia) 3-4 01/07/23
Ulamog, The Ceaseless Hunger Charles Dupont Duel Commander DC du Barjo @ Jeux Barjo (Bordeaux, France) 3-4 14/05/23
Ulamog, The Ceaseless Hunger Dupont Charles Duel Commander Tournoi DC Mulligan @ Pisany (France) 8 18/09/22
Painter MUD Guhstin Dewey Vintage TSI: The Land 3 - Mishra's Twerkshop 5-8 09/06/22
Brass City Vault Guhstin Dewey Vintage TSI: The Land 3 @ Ohio 5-8 04/06/22
Ulamog Charles Dupont Duel Commander Duelcommander Wars @ Libourne (France) 5-8 10/04/22
Skynet Michel Xisto Duel Commander 2 Liga Real Commander @ Bangu (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 2 20/11/21
Tempered Steel Silencedesigner Historic Tribal Event @ Zio Garbe Spicy Tournaments System 2 06/04/21
Tempered Steel Abel Jacoby Historic Free Daily @ Owl Central Games 1 06/10/20
Grixis Vault Alexander Ody Canadian Highlander Game Kasltle Monthly Open @ Mountain View (CA) 1 25/01/20
MUD Oscar Basart Vintage Lliga Catalana de Vintage - September Edition 1 14/09/19
MUD Oscar Basart Vintage Lliga Catalana de Vintage - March Edition 2 30/03/19
MUD Oscar Basart Vintage Lliga Catalana de Vintage 6 16/02/19
Grixis Combo Vault Chester Klinkenberg Canadian Highlander There Can Only Be One, Eh? @ Mox Boarding House Seattle 5-8 20/10/18
BG Juusyoku09 Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block PTQ 5-8 25/06/18
UG Aaiw Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block PTQ 2 25/06/18
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