netdecking with the stars
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185 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Hashapon Iori Zugaikotsu Duel Commander Wednesday Night Magic @ Monarch Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 4 26/03/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist James Warmuth cEDH CEDH Dual Tournament @ Critical Hit Gaming Lounge (Courtice, Canada) 9-16 23/03/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Stephen Lynam cEDH Irish Magic Discord's EU Qualifier @ Leprecon 44 (Dublin, Ireland) 5-8 23/03/25
Dredge Denis B. Peasant Open Qualifier - PACA @ Toulon (France) 3 16/03/25
K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth Allan Chong Wan Loon cEDH Blight Club x Game Over Here Budget Competitive EDH League Session 2 @ Game Over Here (elangor, Malaysia) 1 15/03/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Dan Kutzler cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ The Battlegrounds Games & Comics (Dalton, GA) 3-4 15/03/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Robert Graver cEDH The Shamrock Showdown @ Natural Twenty (Henderson, NV) 1 15/03/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Michael Hand cEDH VG+ Cedh Melee IV - Wheel of Fortune @ Video Games + (Oklahoma City, OK) 5-8 13/03/25
Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver Edoardo Banfi cEDH Competitive Bracket 2 @ Oasis Gaming Center (Milan, Italy) 2 10/03/25
Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver Edoardo Banfi cEDH Competitive Bracket 2 @ Oasis Gaming Center (Milan, Italy) 2 10/03/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Kuyang Duma cEDH Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifie @ IWinGames (Waipahu, HI) 3-4 10/03/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Austin Mender cEDH Bronze 3 @ MopTop & Beardie (Gray, GA) 5-8 08/03/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Colin Fanning cEDH Cascade Clash - cEDH $3k+ @ Aegis Games (Mount Vernon, WA) 9-16 08/03/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Philip Musgrave cEDH cEDH 5K @ SCG CON Charlotte 5-8 08/03/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Michael Hand cEDH Mana Masters cEDH Spring 2025 @ Norman (OK) 17-32 08/03/25
Survival Zombie Infestation Borja Villada Premodern March Tournament @ Bilbao (Spain) 3-4 08/03/25
Tortured Existence floyza Pauper MTGO League 2 05/03/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Zachary Prado cEDH Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifier @ IWinGames (Waipahu, HI) 5-8 03/03/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Matt Hetzner cEDH AFK CEDH tournament 1.5k @ AFK Games (Holt, MI) 9-16 01/03/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Kenneth Wallace cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ The Gamer's Guild (Savannah, TN) 3-4 01/03/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Dan Kutzler cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - Couple of Mana Dorks 3-4 01/03/25
Dredge Manau Peasant Mtg-Peasant - Pool February @ Cockatrice 4 24/02/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Redge Jbeili cEDH Battle For Badlands! @ Trics Circle Of Hobbies (Parañaque, Philippines) 4 23/02/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Raven Poplin cEDH cEDH 2k @ The Deck Box (Fletcher, NC) 5-8 23/02/25
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist Luca Morelli cEDH Homunculus Tournament February @ Games Time (Carugate,Italy) 5-8 23/02/25
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