netdecking with the stars
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313 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Rograkh + Thrasios Charlie Burrell cEDH Bronze 3 @ MopTop & Beardie (Gray, GA) 2 08/03/25
Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph Matteo Colombi Duel Commander Duel Commander Challenge @ Magicplanet MTG (Piacenza, Italy) 3 08/03/25
Thrasios + Rograkh Zeke Maxwell cEDH From The Vault Anniversary: 10 Duals @ The Mana Vault (Saint Francis, WI) 17-32 08/03/25
Talented Otters Brendan Brown Standard Oversized Event @ SCG CON Charlotte 5-8 08/03/25
Rograkh + Thrasios Ely Dawson cEDH Fishbowl San Diego - (Group 2) Redemption Event @ The Fishbowl (San Diego, CA,) 1 02/03/25
Rograkh + Thrasios Jonathan Vick cEDH cEDH Win-a-Dual @ one drop game shop (Wichita, KS) 5-8 01/03/25
Rograkh + Thrasios Al-malik Ali cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ Galactic Games (Raleigh, N) 1 01/03/25
Talented Otters Themanlandmtgo Standard Rapsolo's Arena Tournament @ Special Rule: 8 Dft Cards In Your Main Deck. (Lands And Bounce Off Don't Count) 1 27/02/25
Rograkh + Thrasios Matthew Morella cEDH cEDH 2k @ The Deck Box (Fletcher, NC) 1 23/02/25
Rograkh + Thrasios Taylor Scott cEDH 802cEDH Presents: Frozen Faces of the North @ Vermont Gaming Academy (South Burlington, VT) 5-8 22/02/25
Thrasios + Rograkh Mike Garramone cEDH 802cEDH Presents: Frozen Faces of the North @ Vermont Gaming Academy (South Burlington, VT) 9-16 22/02/25
Rograkh + Thrasios Andrew Robinson cEDH cEDH Clash! @ The Arcane Workshop (Madison, TN) 3-4 22/02/25
Winota, Joiner of Forces Drifmarine cEDH CEDH Tournament @ @ WZ Carnival (Buban, China) 5-8 22/02/25
Thrasios + Rograkh Bradley Hart cEDH Commander & Coffee - Iced Edition @ Sword in the Stone LLC (Wilkes-Barre Township, PA) 9-16 22/02/25
Jetmir, Nexus of Revels Mark Mcdonough cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ Tri Cities Gaming (Kennewick, WA) 5-8 22/02/25
Rograkh + Thrasios Jack Bull cEDH Fire and Lightning cEDH @ Fire and Lightning (Kirkcaldy, UK) 1 22/02/25
Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph Matteo Colombi Duel Commander Saturday Fight @ The Spire - Codogno (Lodi, Italy) 2 22/02/25
Talented Otters Jacopo Bartollini Standard Pro Tour Aetherdrift @ Chicago 32 21/02/25
Talented Otters Buffix Standard MTGO League 1 20/02/25
Rograkh + Thrasios Michael Uehara cEDH Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifier @ IWinGames (Waipahu, HI) 3-4 17/02/25
Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph Alessandro Marzialetti Duel Commander 2° Tappa Lega @ Dungeon (Pesaro, Italy) 1 16/02/25
Rograkh + Thrasios Anthony Mongillo cEDH Killerfinds Presents: cEDH Killer Royale @ Killerfinds (Hiram, Ga) 2 16/02/25
Thrasios + Rograkh Ben Brenner cEDH Monthly cEDH @ 3rd Universe (Croton-on-Hudson, NY) 1 16/02/25
Talented Otters Kampo Standard MTGO League 8 16/02/25
Rograkh + Thrasios Noam D Opitz cEDH NJ cEDH Low-Stakes @ Retro Lotus (Somerville, NJ) 1 16/02/25
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