netdecking with the stars
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153 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Chord Toolbox Frederick Tan Modern "L"CQ #8 @ SCG CON Charlotte 3-4 07/03/25
Chord Toolbox SGMY95 Modern MTGO Challenge 32 15 15/02/25
Chord Toolbox Donovan Day Modern $10K RCQ @ SCG CON Portland 33-64 09/02/25
The Gitrog Monster David Forgy cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ 5C Gaming / The Card Shop (Springfield, MO) 5-8 11/01/25
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Patrick A Owens cEDH The Gusher Crusher 2 @ Book Stan' Comics and Gaming Center (Beaumont TX) 5-8 16/11/24
Creatures Toolbox Wappa Hamada Modern NRG Series $5,000 Showdown @ Madison (Wisconsin) 17-32 24/08/24
Creatures Toolbox LAURI_PROTOUR Modern MTGO Challenge 64 13 18/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Mitchellsocks Modern MTGO Challenge 64 2 18/08/24
Creatures Toolbox MikeyCoppola365 Modern MTGO Showcase Challenge 5-8 17/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Alexander Soderberg Modern MXPLA - 20k + 8 Slot RCQ @ Laughing Dragon MTG (Los Angeles, CA) 5-8 17/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Zachary Aymie Modern MXPLA - 20k + 8 Slot RCQ @ Laughing Dragon MTG (Los Angeles, CA) 17-32 17/08/24
Nadu Toolbox Jordan Cock Modern RCQ @ GamesPortal (Melbourne, Australia) 5-8 17/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Pascal3000 Modern MTGO League 7 16/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Ryan Smith Modern MXPLA ReCQ @ Laughing Dragon MTG (Los Angeles, CA) 5-8 16/08/24
Creatures Toolbox StompyRobo Modern MTGO League 4 13/08/24
Creatures Toolbox auzzie51 Modern MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 11/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Pascal Grossmann Modern SUL Premier @ Leonin League 1 11/08/24
Creatures Toolbox AlpInco Modern MTGO Challenge 32 1 10/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Marxelo Modern MTGO League 4 09/08/24
Creatures Toolbox kanister Modern MTGO Challenge 32 16 08/08/24
Creatures Toolbox AnothaPlaya Modern MTGO League 7 08/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Wappa Modern MTGO Challenge 64 1 05/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Ben Jones Modern Event for Goodies - Axion Now @ Firestorm Games (Cardiff, Wales) 5-8 04/08/24
Creatures Toolbox -BloodHunter- Modern MTGO League 5 04/08/24
Creatures Toolbox kanister Modern MTGO Super Qualifier 12 04/08/24
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