netdecking with the stars
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761 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Winota, Joiner of Forces Jakob Hensler cEDH AFK CEDH tournament 1.5k @ AFK Games (Holt, MI) 9-16 01/03/25
Pdc Gut White Nico Jerson Samson Duel Commander S2E14 Pauper DC @ Block 101 ( Philippines) 3-4 22/02/25
Weenie White Hyguregp Pauper Fuguete League 210 9-16 05/02/25
Mardu Tokens Nsingman Canadian Highlander CMC C1 Cup 5-8 22/01/25
Winota, Joiner of Forces Felipe Leandro cEDH 2° La Facción - Budget $200 @ Los Ángeles (Chile) 1 14/01/25
Caesar, Legion's Emperor Luis Gustavo "gugu" Ribeiro Duel Commander Circuito IronCards - 4th ed @ Iron Cards (Brazil) 5 12/01/25
Baylen, the Haymaker Gary Liu cEDH Mana Games Commander League: Fall @ Mana Games Café (Lincoln, NE) 9-16 25/11/24
Gut, True Soul Zealot Austin Madrilejos Duel Commander Tour Montalban @ Saging Banana Store (Rizal, Philippines) 2 17/11/24
Gut White Austin Madrilejos Duel Commander Kalinaw Tourney @ Kalinaw Coffee Co. (Rizal, Philippines) 2 10/11/24
Gut White Austin Madrilejos Duel Commander Big John Cup 2 @ Saging Banana Store (Philippines) 1 03/11/24
Kasla, The Broken Halo Kaichen Zhao Duel Commander Watermelon Cup Win a Badlands ! @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 4 04/10/24
Creativity Makoto Horiuchi Pioneer The 15th God of Pioneer Tournament @ TC (Tokyo, Japan) 5-8 13/09/24
Creativity olbeda Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 15 08/09/24
Winota, Joiner of Forces Yossar Farach cEDH cEDH Night @ La Mazmorra de Zero (Lima, Perú) 2 16/08/24
White Token GoldenerGottGG Peasant Mtg-Peasant @ Cockatrice 1 29/07/24
Caesar Lucas Abraão Duel Commander TNDC "Global Beatles Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brazil) 3-4 25/07/24
Aura Hexproof Denisdominguito Pauper Fuguete League 180 2 03/07/24
Extus, Oriq Overlord Eik The Necromancer Duel Commander Duel-Derby @ TCG Warehouse (Leipzig, Germany) 3-4 15/06/24
Caesar, Legion's Emperor Zheng Li Duel Commander CommandFest 3v3 Team DC @ Kadou (Beijing, China) 2 20/04/24
Caesar, Legion's Emperor Van Acordon Duel Commander OTJ Prerelease Duel Event @ Monarch Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 4 14/04/24
Caesar, Legion's Emperor Jean-charles Larrieu Duel Commander DC du jeudi @ Cartapapa (Montpellier, France) 2 04/04/24
Raff, Weatherlight Stalwart Ogrimar Duel Commander Open @ Lens (France) 1 31/03/24
Aura Hexproof Amoxmiguel Pauper Fuguete League 164 2 13/03/24
Bogles Xavier Sanz Pauper Lliga Catalana (Jornada 4) @ Industria 61 (Barcelona) 2 30/12/23
Aura Hexproof Denisdominguito Pauper Fuguete League 146 5-8 08/11/23
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