netdecking with the stars
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27 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
The Pride of Hull Clade Zachary Morton cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ Plunder Gaming (Amsterdam, NY) 5-8 12/01/25
Sisay, Weatherlight Captain Malcolm Beckford cEDH Mox Masters December '23 @ Webcam 33-64 09/12/23
Sisay, Weatherlight Captain Malcolm Beckford cEDH Lotus Series I – powered by ka0s 9-16 25/11/23
4c Cascade Beans Delavy Théophile Modern Relic Fest 2023 - Rebound @ Toulouse (France) 4 05/11/23
Omnath, Locus Of Mana Agustin Ireneo Duel Commander Battle for Taiga @ Monarch Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 4 19/08/23
Elementals Greg Ladestro Modern RCQ @ Tabletop Gaming Center (Newington, CT) 5-8 11/02/23
4c Elemental Yorion Bill Schlichting Modern RCQ @ The Mighty Meeple (Concord, NC) 5-8 23/07/22
4c Elemental Yorion Noah Pfefferle Modern RCQ @ The Mighty Meeple (Concord, NC) 5-8 23/07/22
Yorion Elementals Gregory Ladestro Modern Monthly $1k @ Tabletop Gaming Center (Newington, CT) 3-4 18/06/22
Elementals Juan José Martínez Modern Regional de Modern 2022 @ Pitijuela (Baena, Spain 5-8 22/05/22
Elementals Antonio Carmona Modern Regional de Modern 2022 @ Pitijuela (Baena, Spain 5-8 22/05/22
4c Yorion Daniel Bujalance Modern Regional de Modern 2022 @ Pitijuela (Baena, Spain 5-8 22/05/22
Omnath, Locus of Mana Patrick Lacoursiere cEDH Reserve list Series @ Rip N Ship Gaming (Long Island, NY) 9-16 27/03/22
Omnath Gael Leturque Duel Commander Tournoi de Presqu'Noel - Without top 1+ % 4 01/09/17
Omnath, Locus of Mana NemesisParadigm MTGO Commander MTGO Commander League 1 10/08/17
Elfball Pierre Chabosy Duel Commander Carta'jeu Duel Commander 3-4 14/05/17
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Vlad Kudryavtsev Duel Commander SPb League of Real Generals 1.0 2 16/11/16
Omnath, Locus of Mana Maxim Volkov Duel Commander IV Moscow Open [20hp] 5-8 05/11/16
Nissa, Vastwood Seer Alex O Duel Commander GTC-Lima Perú 5-8 03/09/16
Omnath, Locus of Mana Maxim Volkov Duel Commander Liga Generalov Zimi 2.0 (Moscow, Russia) 2 26/03/16
Omnath, Locus of Mana Branislav Hindicky Duel Commander Clash of Commanders 2 (Bratislava, Slovakia) 2 28/09/14
Polukranos, World Eater Wenbin Dai Duel Commander 10th "New Year Cake" Cup (Shanghai) 2 07/06/14
Omnath, Locus of Mana - Ramp Quentin Garchery Duel Commander EDH (Saint-Nazaire) 7 01/04/12
Elves Raphaël Thierrin Standard National Qualifier 2011 (Lausanne, Switzerland) 3 25/04/11
Elves shawnydeeza Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#1953974) 1 10/01/11
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