netdecking with the stars
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444 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Queen Marchesa Vando Clemente Duel Commander Duel Sunday @ Darksteel (Ericeira, Portugal) 2 09/03/25
Juri, Master of the Revue Jan Pokorný Duel Commander 28th Pdc - Najáda DC Liga @ Najáda (Prague, Czech Republic) 9-16 08/03/25
Yawgmoth Christian Binder Modern Big Monthly @ Rarehuntershop (Schwechat, Austria) 7 08/03/25
Chatterfang, Squirrel General Reson Holt cEDH Bronze 2 @ MopTop & Beardie (Gray, GA) 5-8 08/03/25
Chatterfang, Squirrel General Reson Holt cEDH Bronze 4 @ MopTop & Beardie (Gray, GA) 5-8 08/03/25
Tayam, Luminous Enigma Jonah Williams cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - #3 @ Corinth Gaming Center (Corinth, MS) 1 08/03/25
Judith The Scourge Diva Tom Arrigoni Duel Commander OQ CDF @ Lootbox (Nîmes, France) 2 08/03/25
Grist, Voracious Larva Matthieu "xakuyer" Mizac Duel Commander OQ CDF @ Lootbox (Nîmes, France) 5-8 08/03/25
Judith, The Scourge Diva Axel Laroche Duel Commander OQ CDF @ Lootbox (Nîmes, France) 5-8 08/03/25
Yawgmoth Gage Alb Modern "L"CQ #14 @ SCG CON Charlotte 2 07/03/25
Bg Yawgmoth Kevin Motus Modern CN Battle @ Contemporary Nook Anonas (Quezon City, Philippines) 2 07/03/25
Amalia Lurrus Romain Mateu Duel Commander DC Mensuel @ Le Coin Des Barons (Narbonne, France) 3-4 07/03/25
Broodscale Bloodchief Simon Byrne Modern LCQ @ SCG CON Charlotte 5-8 07/03/25
Yawgmoth Zhengzheng Modern MTGO League 4 04/03/25
Chatterfang, Squirrel General Ivan Moc cEDH CZ CEDH league vol. 3 (2025) @ Černý rytíř (Praha, Czech Republic) 3-4 02/03/25
Rakdos, the Muscle Dan Aronowitz cEDH Fishbowl San Diego - (Group 1) Redemption Event @ The Fishbowl (San Diego, CA,) 5-8 02/03/25
Yawgmoth DemonicTutors Modern MTGO Challenge 64 13 02/03/25
Soultrader Combo Jules Guérin Modern Professor Fest 2 Rebound @ La Malle (Reims, France) 9-16 02/03/25
Ob Nixilis, Captive Kingpin Dorien Gonzales cEDH Eldritch Madness Golden 3K @ The Eldritch Bastion (Ashland, OH) 9-16 01/03/25
Yawgmoth Sans0223 Modern MTG China Open S8 Regional Championship - Dragon Shield Cup @ China 5-8 01/03/25
Judith, The Scourge Diva Tom Arrigoni Duel Commander OQ by Auro @ Parkage (Vitrolles, France) 3-4 01/03/25
Judith, The Scourge Diva Axel Laroche Duel Commander OQ by Auro @ Parkage (Vitrolles, France) 5-8 01/03/25
Yawgmoth Giacomo Magnani Modern Modena Magic 2024/25 Winter Round 6/6 @ Modena (Italy) 3-4 27/02/25
Yawgmoth Xerk Modern MTGO Challenge 64 10 26/02/25
Amalia Benavides Aguirre Quentin Guilbert Duel Commander Weekly Le Vizz @ Le Vizz (Rouen, France) 2 25/02/25
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