netdecking with the stars
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474 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Mardu Greasefang Killah_SUV Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 28/03/25
Orzhov Phelia SomeborY Modern MTGO League 7 28/03/25
Death And Taxes _Batutinha_ Modern MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 27/03/25
Death And Taxes soggymeatball Modern MTGO Challenge 64 16 26/03/25
Death And Taxes _Batutinha_ Modern MTGO Challenge 64 10 26/03/25
Ketramose, the New Dawn Parole Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 5 26/03/25
Orzhov Phelia McWinSauce Modern MTGO Challenge 64 3-4 25/03/25
Death And Taxes Darkwonyx Modern MTGO Challenge 64 15 25/03/25
Orzhov Aggro DB_Dykman Standard MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 25/03/25
Ketramose, the New Dawn Dreddybajs Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander Trial 16 5-8 25/03/25
Orzhov Phelia Brady4778 Modern MTGO League 8 25/03/25
Orzhov Necrodominance Midrange DookieTrouserMD Modern MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 24/03/25
Orzhov Phelia McWinSauce Modern MTGO Challenge 64 16 24/03/25
Orzhov Phelia Yamaguchi Daisuke Modern 10th Omiya "Sai" Kyo Championships @ Japan 2 23/03/25
Orzhov Phelia Ogue Kazuki Modern 10th Omiya "Sai" Kyo Championships @ Japan 5-8 23/03/25
Orzhov Blink Marcin Lewandowski Modern 3City Challenge #17 DQ @ Kinguin E-Sports Lounge (Gdańsk, Poland) 5-8 23/03/25
Orzhov Blink Wojciech Radosz Modern 3City Challenge #17 DQ @ Kinguin E-Sports Lounge (Gdańsk, Poland) 5-8 23/03/25
Ketramose The New Dawn Jonathan Lefevre Duel Commander championnat DC Réunion @ Ile de la Réunion 5-8 23/03/25
Orzhov Phelia Nicolò Roberto Modern Destination Qualifier - Modern Monsters Geddon Edition - Dungeon Street @ Lecco (Italy) 9-16 23/03/25
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Toni Duel Commander Mensual Duel Cartoon Corp. @ Valencia (Spain) 3-4 23/03/25
Esper Control storti Modern MTGO League 6 23/03/25
Orzhov Phelia charlieqds Modern MTGO League 8 23/03/25
Ketramousse Mnshk Duel Commander Open @ Dés Givrés (Coulommiers, France) 1 23/03/25
Ketramose, The New Dawn Yannick Bouloc Duel Commander Open Qualifier CDF @ Esport Arena (Nimes, France) 5-8 23/03/25
Ketramose, the New Dawn Hq You cEDH Win-A-Dualland (Taiga) @ MTG Asia (Singapore) 5-8 23/03/25
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