netdecking with the stars
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406 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Ratadrabik of Urborg Mike X cEDH Bracket 3 Commander Tourney @ Dumpster Cat Games (Minneapolis, MN) 3-4 16/03/25
Muldrotha, the Gravetide Nathaniel Smith cEDH Mana Masters cEDH Spring 2025 @ Norman (OK) 5-8 08/03/25
Prosper, Tome-Bound Luke Olson cEDH Mana Games Commander League - Winter @ Mana Games Café (Lincoln, NE) 5-8 17/02/25
Tor Wauki the Younger Dani Moreno cEDH Commander Budget @ Magic Barcelona 5-8 20/01/25
Tor Wauki the Younger Dani Moreno cEDH Commander Budget @ Magic Barcelona 5-8 13/01/25
Ob Nixilis, Captive Kingpin Borja Garcia Sanchez cEDH Commander Budget @ Magic Barcelona 5-8 13/01/25
Xantcha, Sleeper Agent Ray Norman Maglonzo cEDH $100 Multi EDH Upkeep Hobbies @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 4 29/12/24
Baba Lysaga, Night Witch Jose Antonio Gonzalez cEDH Commander Budget End of the year Edition @ Magic Barcelona 9-16 27/12/24
Selesnya Sram T1_Tinker Pioneer MTGO League 2 10/12/24
Sidar Jabari of Zhalfir Daniel Sintes cEDH Commander Budget @ Magic Barcelona 1 02/12/24
Prosper, Tome-Bound Luke Olson cEDH Mana Games Commander League: Fall @ Mana Games Café (Lincoln, NE) 9-16 25/11/24
Selesnya Sram MJ_23 Pioneer MTGO Last Chance 10 25/11/24
Selesnya Sram T1_Tinker Pioneer MTGO League 1 25/11/24
Selesnya Sram T1_Tinker Pioneer MTGO Showcase Challenge 16 24/11/24
Auras Nakamura Hiroto Pioneer Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 28/10/24
Muldrotha, the Gravetide Ray Norman Maglonzo cEDH $100 Multi Edh @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 4 20/10/24
Auras Waki Naoya Pioneer Cavern of Souls & Mana Confluence Contest @ Akihabara (Japan) 5-8 18/10/24
Auras Dave Pioneer Weeklies 2 08/10/24
Selesnya Sram KohnSean Pioneer MTGO League 8 04/10/24
Kaalia of the Vast Dinguslord cEDH Shop Collectibles: Commander Showdown I @ The Shop Collectibles LLC (Crown Point, IN) 2 31/08/24
Xantcha, Sleeper Agent Beige Maglonzo cEDH $100 Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 7 11/08/24
Gut, True Soul Zealot //agent Of The Shadow Thieves Danilo Oliveira Duel Commander 500 @ GODS Brazil (Santo Andre, Brazil) 5-8 10/08/24
Xantcha, Sleeper Agent Beige Maglonzo cEDH Sunday $100 Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 3 28/07/24
Xantcha, Sleeper Agent Beige Maglonzo cEDH Sunday $100 Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 4 21/07/24
Eriette of the Charmed Apple Tim Keenan cEDH NorCal Summer Sling @ Fast Dont Lie Gaming 5-8 13/07/24
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