netdecking with the stars
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13421 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Eldrazi Ramp malattia96 Modern MTGO League 1 27/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp Ferglez Modern MTGO League 4 27/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp BERNASTORRES Modern MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 26/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp GodOfSlaughter Modern MTGO Challenge 64 9 26/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp Darkest_before_dawn Modern MTGO League 4 26/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp Jakub Ptak Modern 3City League (DFT) #7 @ SideQuest (Gdańsk, Poland) 2 25/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp RNicoF Modern MTGO Challenge 64 11 25/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp _Johnzeira_ Modern MTGO Challenge 64 1 25/03/25
Golos MUD oosunq Vintage MTGO League 1 25/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp Beavis_Christ Modern MTGO League 4 25/03/25
UrzaTron LukeTurner88 Modern MTGO League 6 25/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp alexeezayyy Modern MTGO Challenge 64 13 24/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp HansJ00 Modern MTGO Challenge 64 15 24/03/25
Selvala, Explorer Returned Akira Kaneko cEDH Oahu Commander Invitational Qualifier Season 3 W4 @ IWinGames (Waipahu, HI) 3-4 24/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp Murakami Kazuki Modern 10th Omiya "Sai" Kyo Championships @ Japan 5-8 23/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp Tiquinho Modern 1° torneio relâmpago @ Arena Guardians Tournaments (?,?) 2 23/03/25
Mono Blue Stompy Tskarn Legacy 2ºEtapa Liga Mineira @ Taberna dos Games (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) 5-8 23/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp Mikołaj Domin Modern 3City Challenge #17 DQ @ Kinguin E-Sports Lounge (Gdańsk, Poland) 3-4 23/03/25
12 - Post Gustavo Borcelli Legacy Circuito MCG Legacy - Etapa 02 @ Brazil 5-8 23/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp Max Tassone Modern Destination Qualifier - Modern Monsters Geddon Edition - Dungeon Street @ Lecco (Italy) 1 23/03/25
Eldrazi Ramp Matteo Lavore Modern Destination Qualifier - Modern Monsters Geddon Edition - Dungeon Street @ Lecco (Italy) 5-8 23/03/25
Broodscale Bloodchief Nicola Panza Modern Destination Qualifier - Modern Monsters Geddon Edition - Dungeon Street @ Lecco (Italy) 9-16 23/03/25
12 - Post Kotani Mizuki Legacy God of Legacy Trial @ TC (Tokyo, Japan) 3-4 23/03/25
12 - Post TrueFuturism Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 9 23/03/25
Paradoxical Outcome Hampuse1 Vintage MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 23/03/25
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