netdecking with the stars
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239 decks matching
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Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Kadamian Woodruff cEDH Money Mondays#33 - Last Commander Standing @ Toptierbangers Discord / spell table 5-8 11/03/25
Hidetsugu and Kairi MatheusPonciano Duel Commander MTGO League 1 11/03/25
Hidetsugu and Kairi Pernobyl Duel Commander MTGO League 4 11/03/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Diego "dmyr" Rio Duel Commander Weekly @ Le Vizz (Rouen, France) 1 11/03/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Jacopo Arrighi Duel Commander Duel Commander Challenge @ Magicplanet MTG (Piacenza, Italy) 4 08/03/25
Hidetsugu and Kairi grumgrum Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander Trial 16 3-4 08/03/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Brieg Couzigou Duel Commander Thursday Night Tournament #30 @ France 3-4 06/03/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Johan Tridiel Duel Commander Le Tord La Goule Tournament 30 @ Le Tord La Goule (Basly, France) 2 05/03/25
Hidetsugu and Kairi -Sefiro- Duel Commander MTGO League 1 03/03/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Moncana Duel Commander CR Bretagne 2025 @ Rennes (France) 9-16 02/03/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Édouard Laplante Duel Commander Event du Jeudi @ Taverne du Collectionneur (St-Hyacinthe, Québec) 3 27/02/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Johan Tridiel Duel Commander Le Tord La Goule Tournament 29 @ Le Tord La Goule (Basly, France) 1 26/02/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Peiming Jia Duel Commander Watermelon Champion Cup Nights @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 3 25/02/25
Hidetsugu and Kairi Markus Schäfer Duel Commander FACT 11 Sunday @ Lyon (France) 5 23/02/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Johan Tridiel "rc Tdf" Duel Commander Manafull Monthly @ Manafull (Caen, France) 5-8 23/02/25
Hidetsugu and Kairi Demian77 Duel Commander MTGO League 1 23/02/25
Hidetsugu and Kairi -Sefiro- Duel Commander MTGO League 2 23/02/25
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Kadamian Woodruff cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ Current Coffee + Collectibles (Decatur, AL) 5-8 22/02/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Oribuza Duel Commander Monthly Event @ Nexus (Sueca, Spain) 1 22/02/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Hecktor Duel Commander weekly duel @ Spellcast (Guarulhos, Brazil) 3-4 22/02/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Zijun Zhang Duel Commander Watermelon Champion Cup Nights @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 4 18/02/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Etienne Foare Duel Commander Magic O Mont @ Mont Saint Michel (France) 5-8 16/02/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Jeremy Reigneux Duel Commander Trial Fact @ Carta'Jeu (Lyon, France) 3-4 16/02/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Dovadanto Duel Commander Trial Fact @ Carta'Jeu (Lyon, France) 5-8 16/02/25
Hidetsugu And Kairi Edouard Laplante Duel Commander Face à Face DCQC #7 @ Jeux Face à Face (Montréal, Québec) 1 15/02/25
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