netdecking with the stars
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197 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Caue Hattori Duel Commander Bazar Monthly League @ Bazar de Bagda (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 1 01/03/25
Aminatou Reanimator Caue Hattori Duel Commander EpicGame Weekly #3 @ Epic Games (São Paulo, Brazil) 2 27/01/25
Narci, Fable Singer Xavier Ramos Solé cEDH Commander Budget @ Magic Barcelona 1 13/01/25
Narci, Fable Singer Xavier Ramos Solè cEDH Magic Barcelona - Commander Budget @ Barcelona 5-8 25/11/24
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Nicolas Francois "thorgal666" Duel Commander Manafull Series @ Caen (France) 5-8 15/09/24
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Nicolas "thorgal666" Francois Duel Commander Magic O Mont @ Avranches (France) 12 07/04/24
A Mina Está Vitao Duel Commander League DC @ ManaBolt (Limeira, Brazil) 2 17/02/24
Aminatou Ricardo Leite Duel Commander TNDC "Lemon Juice Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brazil) 2 29/08/23
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Rexel Tenorio Duel Commander Battle for Taiga @ Monarch Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 3 19/08/23
Aminatou Hugo Shelling Duel Commander TNDC "Nelson Mandela Day" @ Bolovo Games ( Santos, Brazil) 1 18/07/23
Aminatou Control Gabriel Castilan Duel Commander HobbyCon Siopao Cup @ San Pedro (Laguna, Philippines) 3-4 18/06/23
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Philip Weidig Duel Commander TEG MOM Duel Commander League @ The End Games (Charlottesville, VA) 5-8 13/06/23
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Josef Kumstyr Duel Commander #4 Hradubice - DC series @ UNTAP (Hradec Kralove, CZE) 1 27/05/23
Aminatou Rexel Tenorio Duel Commander DC Circuit S3 Trial #6 @ Tapped Games x Monarch Games (Marikina, Philippines) 3 21/05/23
Aminatou Alexandre Junior Duel Commander Store Championship @ Neowalkers (Guarulhos,Brasil) 3-4 20/05/23
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Josef Kumstyr Duel Commander 23rd cerny rytir pdc @ Prague (Czech Republic) 9-16 13/05/23
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Rexel Tenorio Duel Commander Unbox 50K @ Unbox Greenhills (Philippines) 3-4 13/05/23
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Gouigoui Duel Commander MTG37 - Championnat Régional @ Tours (France) 5-8 23/04/23
Bellatou Guilherme Bellagente Duel Commander Sabadasso Na Spell @ Spellcast (Guarulhos,Brasil) 1 15/04/23
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Andy Sieurac Duel Commander Big DC : On dit JP! @ Relic (Toulouse, France) 5-8 02/04/23
Aminatou, the Fateshifter Antonin Guillaumont Duel Commander CR Haute-Normandie @ REM (Rouen, France) 1 19/03/23
Aminatou, The Fateshifter Yoann "sharkan68" Domingues Duel Commander LTC #5 Main Event @ Ohlungen (France) 9-16 12/03/23
Bellatou Guilherme Bellagente Duel Commander Liga NeoWalkers @ Neowalkers (Guarulhos,São Paulo, Brasil) 4 03/03/23
Aminatou, the Fateshifter Vinicius Lopes Duel Commander EDH Brazil Championship - Duel @ Mont Shop (Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil) 5 25/02/23
Aminacontrol Gustavo Ramirez Duel Commander GTC por Tech en la Cueva #2 @ La Cueva del Gato (Chiclayo, Perú) 1 18/02/23
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