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349 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Golgari Sacrifice ipecin Pioneer MTGO League 2 26/02/25
Pdc Gorex Joe Mejia Duel Commander S2E14 Pauper DC @ Block 101 ( Philippines) 2 22/02/25
Aristocrats Nico Jerson Samson Duel Commander Pauper Duel Commander S2E13 @ Neutral Grounds Vertis North 2 08/02/25
Rakdos, the Muscle Aran Romero Moreno cEDH Commander Budget Christmas Edition @ Magic Barcelona 9-16 22/12/24
Rakdos Aggro Gslyme200 Standard MTG Circle Cup #5 @ MTGA Daily Challenge Tournaments 9-16 01/12/24
Slimefoot and Squee Gabriel Saavedra cEDH Portal Nevado - Torneo Dicespell - Commander Budget 150 @ Santiago (Chile) 5-8 06/07/24
Orzhov Aggro Sindrelo Standard Gentry Championship @ Kortspelsförening (Malmö, Sweden) 2 12/05/24
Rakdos Aggro Maxhoven Standard Gentry Championship @ Kortspelsförening (Malmö, Sweden) 3-4 12/05/24
Jadar, Ghoulcaller Of Nephalia Tiago Carraro Duel Commander DC quinzenal @ Taverna Game House (Curitiba, Brazil) 2 10/03/24
Golgari Aggro Nacwen Pauper Fuguete League 158 3-4 31/01/24
Golgari Aggro Nacwen Pauper Fuguete Champ 170 5-8 29/01/24
Jadar, Ghoulcaller Of Nephalia Tales B. Lima Duel Commander DC Quinzenal @ Taverna Game House (Curitiba, Brazil) 3-4 28/01/24
Juri, Master Of The Revue Ivan Kozmon Duel Commander Duel Commander @ Cloudpost (Bratislava, Slovakia) 2 11/01/24
Ayara, First of Locthwain Frederic Audebert Duel Commander DC Festival Ludik @ Rochefort (France) 5 25/11/23
Slimefoot And Squee Xu Han Duel Commander Watermelon Champion Cup 11 @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) 2 19/11/23
Slimefoot And Squee Xu Han Duel Commander Wool Cup 2023 End Celebration @ Kadou (Beijing, China) 3-4 18/11/23
Rakdos Midrange _sphinx_luis Pioneer MTGO Challenge 4 05/11/23
Rakdos Sacrifice CBJr Pioneer MTGO Preliminary 4 24/10/23
Rakdos Sacrifice BLJ Pioneer MTGO Preliminary 7 23/10/23
Rakdos Sacrifice Vinnie Fino Pioneer NRG Series $10,000 Showdown @ Indianapolis (IN) 17-32 14/10/23
Rakdos Sacrifice BLJ Pioneer MTGO Preliminary 12 13/10/23
Rakdos Sacrifice levunga21 Pioneer MTGO Preliminary 4 11/10/23
Rakdos Sacrifice levunga21 Pioneer MTGO Preliminary 8 10/10/23
Jund Sprout Swarm Diogo Ferreira Pauper 5* Liga de Segunda @ Dominaria (Cabo Frio, Brasil) 3-4 04/09/23
Rakdos Aggro C04NX Standard MTGO League 6 10/08/23
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