netdecking with the stars
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85 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
UR Control SvenSveeterSven Modern MTGO Challenge 64 3-4 20/02/25
Kellan, The Fae-blooded Zunino-boulhaïs Kilian Duel Commander Open CDF St Ybard 25/01 @ Saint Ybard (France) 1 25/01/25
Xantcha, Sleeper Agent Ray Norman Maglonzo cEDH $100 Multi EDH Upkeep Hobbies @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 4 29/12/24
Red Deck Wins Toyooka Takashi Pioneer Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 18/11/24
Naya Zoo EHughes01 Modern MTGO League 8 28/10/24
Gruul Aggro Michael Kohon Pioneer LCQ #13 @ SCG CON Washington DC 5-8 04/10/24
Gruul Aggro LegendaryNugget Pioneer MTGO League 8 31/08/24
Xantcha, Sleeper Agent Beige Maglonzo cEDH $100 Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 7 11/08/24
Gruul Aggro Moose666 Pioneer MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 08/08/24
Red Deck Wins Takemoto Shintarou Modern DX Cup @ Hareruya (Japan) 2 23/06/24
Red Deck Wins Nagata Akira Pioneer Champions Cup Store Qualifier @ Akihabara (Fukuoka, Japan) 3-4 19/05/24
Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might Paul L Duel Commander Horizons du DC (LCI>PIP) @ Le Cerf Ludique (Rambouillet, France) 2 22/03/24
Gruul Aggro Michael Kohon Pioneer ReCQ @ SCG CON Cincinnati 3-4 07/01/24
Gruul Aggro Grant Woodfin Pioneer 10k Open 8-Slot RCQ @ DreamHack Atlanta 2023 33-64 17/12/23
Red Deck Wins Nonka75 Pioneer The 3rd Pioneer at Home @ Massan Anything Broadcasting Station (Japan) 2 21/10/23
Boros Aggro Aoki Takuya Standard Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 16/10/23
Boros Aggro German_fraga Standard Event @ Nothing But Land 5-8 30/09/23
Red Deck Wins jesuisnul Pioneer MTGO Challenge 8 12/08/23
Auras Nisclismonsfleide Pioneer Royale 216 3-4 06/06/23
Red Deck Wins Pollango69 Explorer Bo3 @ MTGADailyChallenge 5-8 15/02/23
Goblins Sh4d0w_w0lf Pioneer Royale 174 3-4 10/01/23
Rg Aggro Leonardo Poleggi Pioneer WPN Qualifier @ Dracarys (Viterbo, Italy) 5-8 11/12/22
Rakdos Aggro Hiramatsu Yuta Pioneer Tokai King Cup 7th @ Hareruya (Japan) 2 10/12/22
Rg Aggro Leonardo Poleggi Pioneer BTM @ Dracarys 3-4 29/11/22
Red Deck Wins Satiro Historic Torneio com Riverboa 3-4 06/11/22
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