netdecking with the stars
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85 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Arahbo, the First Fang Taylor Gryczan cEDH Bronze 3 @ MopTop & Beardie (Gray, GA) 5-8 08/03/25
Martyr Life Wada Riku Modern MPS Engineered Explosives Contest @ Hareruya (Japan) 5-8 26/11/22
Martyr Life Wada Riku Modern MMM @ Hareruya (Osaka, Japan) 5-8 19/11/22
Winota, Joiner Of Forces Guohao,cai Duel Commander Chicken-Pie Cup @ FanYun Store (NanJing, China) 3-4 08/10/20
Winota, Joiner Of Forces Guohao,cai Duel Commander Chicken-Pie Cup @ FanYun Store (NanJing,China) 1 05/09/20
Winota Damien 'eventwin' Jantzen Duel Commander Duel Commander @ Magicfrag (France) 1 03/09/20
Winota Double Jsd Duel Commander Bank President Cup @ Hefei (China) 1 25/07/20
Ad Nauseam Danny Spencer Modern SCG Classic Columbus 1 22/01/17
Martyr Life mikkatororo Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 7 07/11/16
Martyr Life wyjete Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 6 24/10/16
Martyr Life Smithenator Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 5 13/10/16
Martyr Life Gobo2009 Modern MTGO Modern PTQ 5-8 03/10/16
UW Control Kumazemi Modern MTGO Modern Daily (#6737373) 3 14/02/14
UW Tron David Tsukuno Modern TCGplayer Modern 2k 2 14/08/11
Charmed, I'm Sure Conley Woods Extended Grand Prix Oakland 2010 3-4 14/02/10
Mono White Full Foil - Full Rare Deck "White Destiny" Satoshi Kobayashi Duel Commander 15th COP:MTG Cup (Japan) 2 04/05/09
Faeries Jim Dyke Extended PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Boston (USA) 1 28/02/09
Parfait Scott Honigmann Extended PTQ Honolulu 2009 - Louisville / Kentucky 1 10/01/09
Isamaru, Hound of Konda Claire Dupré Duel Commander EDH (Lille) 5-8 11/11/08
UW Blink Reveillark Masashi Oiso Standard Nationals - Japan 2008 1 18/09/08
UW Blink Reveillark Yuuya Watanabe Standard Nationals - Japan 2008 3-4 18/09/08
Reveillark Makihito Mihara Standard Nationals - Japan 2008 5-8 18/09/08
Omni-chord Tobias Gräfensteiner Standard Nationals - Germany 2007 3-4 29/08/08
UW Snow Control Michael Müller Standard Nationals - Germany 2007 5-8 29/08/08
Quick' n Toast Guillaume Wafo-Tapa Standard Grand Prix Copenhagen 2008 5 24/08/08
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