netdecking with the stars
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67 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Boros initiative evanfunky Vintage MTGO League 4 12/03/25
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher Grant Gutierrez cEDH The Fish Bowl 4 - Playing With Power - TopDeck Championship Series @ San Diego (CA) 33-64 20/07/24
Sneak Attack Merfolkboy Legacy The 103rd Legacy at Home @ Massan Anything Broadcasting Station (Japan) 5-8 30/03/24
Discover Keita Kishino Legacy The 95th Legacy at Home @ Massan Anything Broadcasting Station (Japan) 2 20/01/24
Glimpse of Tomorrow billsive Modern MTGO Showcase Qualifier 12 08/07/23
Glimpse of Tomorrow Javibeas Modern 5k Tournament @ Charlies Collectible Show (Stone Mountain, GA) 3-4 10/06/23
Glimpse of Tomorrow joetru Modern MTGO Challenge 6 03/06/23
Winota Sato Takumi Modern Rumble @ Hareruya (Kawasaki, Japan) 5-8 31/03/23
Glimpse of Tomorrow selesneal Modern MTGO Challenge 6 10/12/22
Glimpse of Tomorrow selesneal Modern MTGO Preliminary 4 02/12/22
4c Glimpse Frank Liu Modern RCQ @ The Bearded Dragon (Bernardsville, NJ) 5-8 26/11/22
Glimpse of Tomorrow Tall_Ramen Modern MTGO League 5 15/11/22
Glimpse Gabriele Gandolfo Modern Relic Fest Rebound @ Toulouse (France) 5-8 06/11/22
Omnath William Thompson Modern RCQ @ Tabletop Gaming Center (Newington, CT) 2 23/10/22
Glimpse of Tomorrow CliffBoyardee Modern MTGO Challenge 12 19/09/22
Glimpse of Tomorrow Makoto Horiuchi Modern The Last Sun Qualifier 2022 @ Hareruya (Japan) 3-4 19/09/22
Glimpse of Tomorrow Gino Lee Modern MTG SEA Championships Open @ Oracle Events (Singapore) 9-16 17/09/22
Glimpse of Tomorrow Killah_SUV Modern MTGO Preliminary 3 09/09/22
Glimpse of Tomorrow bcs8995 Modern MTGO Preliminary 8 08/09/22
4c Glimpse Mateusz Walkowiak Modern 3City League (SNC) #18 @ SideQuest (Gdańsk, Poland) 3-4 06/09/22
Glimpse of Tomorrow Grégoire Piquot Modern REM @ Le Vizz (Rouen) 3-4 04/09/22
Glimpse Combo Zak Turchansky Modern RCQ++ @ Orchard City Games (Kelowna, BC - Canada) 2 03/09/22
Glimpse Combo Bryce Hawkins Modern RCQ++ @ Orchard City Games (Kelowna, BC - Canada) 5-8 03/09/22
Glimpse of Tomorrow CliffBoyardee Modern MTGO League 4 02/09/22
Glimpse of Tomorrow Marco Silva Modern Grand Open Qualifier @ Legacy European Tour (Copenhagen) 5-8 20/08/22
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