netdecking with the stars
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153 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Monster Tron T1m Pauper Monthly Tournament #48 @ Paper Pauper Magic Discord 3-4 05/03/25
Urzatron Fisicman Pauper MTGO League 2 02/03/25
Urzatron Finalfantasyss Pauper Royale 228 5-8 13/02/25
Mono Red Tron Marc Marot-lassauzaie Pauper Spezl Tournament #1 @ Deck & Dice (Munich, Germany) 3-4 08/02/25
Eldrazi Ramp NineEmptyPages Modern MTGO League 6 23/01/25
Urzatron Tiagofuguete Pauper Royale 225 1 23/01/25
Monster Tron Cuoqqa Pauper Monthly Tournament #46 @ Paper Pauper Magic Discord 9-16 19/01/25
Urzatron davidallen101 Pauper MTGO League 1 06/01/25
Monoblue-tron Mark Bitteencourt Pauper Magic du Bem @ Atibaia (São Paulo, Brazil) 3-4 17/12/24
Monster Mash Kyle-style Pauper Snow-Covered Terror @ Dreamers Vault (Minneapolis, MN) 8 14/12/24
Monster Tron Smg Pauper Monthly Tournament #45 @ Paper Pauper Magic Discord 5-8 02/12/24
Gruul Ramp Luchino Pauper Pauperazzi III @ Libelle (Leipzig, Germany) 1 30/11/24
Urzatron Joaolucas Pauper Fuguete Champ 210 9-16 28/10/24
Mono Red Tron Cassandra Norheim Pauper Oslo League #2 @ Outland (Oslo, Norway) 2 19/10/24
Gruul Midrange Alessandro Rossi Pauper 6^ tappa | Lega Mediavalle e Garfagnana 24/25 - Autumn Season @ Garfagnana (Italy) 5-8 17/10/24
Gruul Midrange Elia Marroni Pauper 6^ tappa | Lega Mediavalle e Garfagnana 24/25 - Autumn Season @ Garfagnana (Italy) 5-8 17/10/24
Gruul Aggro Guimamogi Pauper Torneio do Weber - Tix Pro Top 8 5-8 15/10/24
Gruul Aggro Guimamogi Pauper Domingooouuu 53 1 13/10/24
Gruul Midrange Koyanagi?takuya Pauper Raijin Championship @ Utsunomiya (Japan) 5-8 13/10/24
Gruul Monster Andrea Calabrese Pauper Lega Napoli - VIII Tappa @ Alastor (Napoli, Italy) 5-8 12/10/24
Gruul Aggro AliEnWaRe_ Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 14 12/10/24
Gruul Midrange eccelleente Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 13 11/10/24
Gruul Midrange Alessandro Rossi Pauper 5^ tappa | Lega Mediavalle 24/25 - Autumn Season @ Garfagnana (Italy) 5-8 10/10/24
Gruul Midrange Andrea Mattei Pauper 5^ tappa | Lega Mediavalle 24/25 - Autumn Season @ Garfagnana (Italy) 5-8 10/10/24
Gruul Midrange Nicolò Morselli Pauper LPMilano XI Tappa Roma24 Top16 @ UESM (Milano, Italy) 8 10/10/24
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