netdecking with the stars
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138 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Derevi, Empyrial Tactician Alex Joslin cEDH #ValueBreach5 cEDH Tournament @ Meriden (CT) 9-16 22/03/25
Saffi Eriksdotter Jeremy Murphy cEDH March Invitational 2025 @ Big Guava Gamers (Tampa, FL) 2 22/03/25
Bruvac the Grandiloquent Lucas Gabriel Bolognani Correia Dos Santos cEDH Semanal @ Arena Geek (Gonzaga, Brazil) 5-8 21/03/25
Plagon, Lord of the Beach Andrew Miller cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - #3 @ The Gathering Place (Chapel Hill, NC) 3-4 09/03/25
Bruvac the Grandiloquent Gibson Axel Rosendo Luna Da Silva cEDH Semanal @ Bolovo Games (Boqueirão, Brazil) 3-4 07/03/25
Bruvac the Grandiloquent Nakamura Kei cEDH Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 17/02/25
Urza, Lord High Artificer Giocatore Mascherato cEDH Lega Commander Vicenza - Odissea - 3^ Tappa @ Odissea (Vicenza, Italy) 3 16/02/25
Bruvac the Grandiloquent Nakamura Kei cEDH Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 10/02/25
Plagon, Lord of the Beach Daniel R Bedell cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - Plunder Gaming #3 @ Plunder Gaming (Amsterdam, NY) 3-4 09/02/25
Plagon, Lord of the Beach Antonello Viggiano cEDH Homunculus Tournament January Bonanza @ UESM (Milano, Italy) 5-8 26/01/25
Ukkima, Stalking Shadow + Cazur, Ruthless Stalker Carlomagno Matela cEDH Trics: Battle for Bayou CEDH @ Trics Circle of Hobbies Parañaque, Philippines 7 26/01/25
Ashaya, Soul of the Wild Michael Nykyforchyn cEDH From The Vault: cEDH 21 @ The Mana Vault (Saint Francis, WI) 9-16 25/01/25
Brago, King Eternal Niklas Kolodzie cEDH HPC 2025 - Januar - @ Deutschland 5-8 25/01/25
Ratadrabik of Urborg Nathaniel Prescott cEDH Lotus Bowl 8: The Ocho @ Mop Top and Beardie (Gray, GA) 3-4 25/01/25
Plagon, Lord of the Beach Sam Rodi cEDH River City Rumble: The Royal Rumble @ Final Fortune (Glen Allen, VA) 9-16 25/01/25
Soundwave, Sonic Spy Louis Kneeshaw cEDH January cEDH - Tees Valley MTG @ People's Meeples (Hartlepool, UK) 5-8 19/01/25
Magda, Brazen Outlaw Graham James cEDH Harlequins cEDH January @ Harlequins (Preston, UK) 2 18/01/25
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker Cody cEDH MBG Commander Cash Event @ Moms Basement Games (Howell, MI) 5-8 11/01/25
Ratadrabik of Urborg Nathaniel Prescott cEDH Beardie's Holiday Bash! @ MopTop & Beardie (Gray, GA) 1 28/12/24
Plagon, Lord of the Beach Joseph Rice cEDH December Win-A-Dual @ Mindgames and Magic (Lee's Summit, MO) 5-8 28/12/24
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV Ian Flannery cEDH cEDH showdown @ The Bearded Dragon games (Bernardsville, NJ) 5-8 15/12/24
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV Warren Zarb cEDH Commander Tournament Salt Level 7 @ CONNECTICLUB Coworking & Cultural Centre (Mosta, Malta) 1 15/12/24
Chatterfang, Squirrel General Tobias Liauw cEDH Commander Tournament Salt Level 7 @ CONNECTICLUB Coworking & Cultural Centre (Mosta, Malta) 3-4 15/12/24
Ratadrabik of Urborg Neil Mcniven cEDH Quickfire Season 3 final @ Good Games (Strathpine, Australia) 9-16 22/11/24
Lazav, Dimir Mastermind Adrián López García cEDH Commander Budget @ Magic Barcelona 5-8 18/11/24
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