2 Sheltered by Ghosts 2 Charge of the Mites 2 Skrelv's Hive 4 Detention Chariot 4 Divine Resilience 1 Elusive Otter 2 Skrelv, Defector Mite 4 Venerated Rotpriest 4 Annex Sentry 4 Slaughter Singer 4 Brightglass Gearhulk 4 Crawling Chorus 1 Mirrex 4 Forest 4 Razorverge Thicket 4 Hushwood Verge 4 Brushland 6 Plains Sideboard 3 Destroy Evil 2 Dewdrop Cure 2 Rest in Peace 2 Obstinate Baloth 2 Sheltered by Ghosts 2 Charge of the Mites 2 Skrelv's Hive