4 Suffocating Fumes 2 Defile 3 Cast Down 3 Nihil Spellbomb 3 Campfire 3 Drown in Sorrow 4 Snuff Out 4 Eviscerator's Insight 4 Deadly Dispute 4 Ichor Wellspring 4 Sneaky Snacker 4 Troll of Khazad-dum 1 Island 1 Bojuka Bog 4 Foreboding Landscape 4 Contaminated Aquifer 8 Swamp Sideboard 2 Duress 1 Coalition Honor Guard 1 Relic of Progenitus 2 Seal of Doom 2 Murmuring Mystic 2 Thorn of the Black Rose 1 Crypt Incursion 1 Suffocating Fumes 1 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Campfire 1 Drown in Sorrow