4 Animate Dead 1 Archon of Cruelty 1 Atraxa, Grand Unifier 4 Bloodstained Mire 1 Cabal Therapy 4 Careful Study 4 Dark Ritual 4 Entomb 4 Goryo's Vengeance 1 Griselbrand 1 Iona, Shield of Emeria 4 Lotus Petal 4 Orcish Bowmasters 4 Polluted Delta 1 Raucous Theater 4 Reanimate 1 Sire of Insanity 3 Swamp 4 Thoughtseize 2 Underground Sea 4 Unmask Sideboard 1 Cling to Dust 2 Consign to Memory 4 Dauthi Voidwalker 1 Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines 4 Fatal Push 1 Mystical Dispute 2 Surgical Extraction