4 Polliwallop 1 Tranquil Frillback 3 Clement, the Worrywort 4 Dour Port-Mage 4 Mistbreath Elder 4 Sunshower Druid 4 Valley Mightcaller 4 Pond Prophet 4 Clifftop Lookout 4 Dreamdew Entrancer 1 Three Tree City 1 Fountainport 2 Island 4 Forest 4 Secluded Courtyard 4 Restless Vinestalk 4 Botanical Sanctum 4 Oakhollow Village Sideboard 1 Pawpatch Formation 2 The Goose Mother 4 Fear of Impostors 3 Tranquil Frillback 1 Clement, the Worrywort 4 Negate