2 Counterspell 4 Deceiver Exarch 4 Flame of Anor 4 Flare of Denial 4 Flooded Strand 4 Force of Negation 1 Invert Polarity 3 Island 4 Lightning Bolt 4 Lorien Revealed 1 Mountain 4 Scalding Tarn 1 Sink into Stupor 2 Snapcaster Mage 2 Spell Snare 3 Splinter Twin 4 Steam Vents 3 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student 2 Thundering Falls 4 Thundertrap Trainer Sideboard 2 Brotherhood's End 4 Consign to Memory 1 Ghost Vacuum 1 Meltdown 3 Obsidian Charmaw 1 Soul-Guide Lantern 1 Surgical Extraction 2 Vampires' Vengeance