4 Abhorrent Oculus 4 Blood Crypt 4 Bloodstained Mire 4 Death's Shadow 2 Dismember 4 Expressive Iteration 4 Faithless Looting 4 Fatal Push 1 Magus of the Moon 2 Nihil Spellbomb 4 Polluted Delta 4 Psychic Frog 1 Raucous Theater 2 Scalding Tarn 2 Spell Snare 2 Street Wraith 1 Swamp 4 Thoughtseize 1 Undercity Sewers 4 Unearth 2 Watery Grave Sideboard 1 Magus of the Moon 4 Consign to Memory 2 Meltdown 2 Mystical Dispute 3 Pyroclasm 2 Stern Scolding 1 Surgical Extraction