4 Go for the Throat 2 Anoint with Affliction 4 Blooming Marsh 3 Cut Down 1 Maelstrom Pulse 4 Llanowar Wastes 3 Sentinel of the Nameless City 2 Gix's Command 4 Llanowar Elves 4 Mishra's Foundry 1 Tear Asunder 2 Thrun, Breaker of Silence 4 Swamp 4 Restless Cottage 2 Forest 2 Tranquil Frillback 1 The End 4 Mosswood Dreadknight 4 Preacher of the Schism 3 Wastewood Verge 2 Debris Beetle Sideboard 1 Maelstrom Pulse 1 Tear Asunder 1 Tranquil Frillback 1 The End 3 Duress 4 Harvester of Misery 2 Obstinate Baloth 2 Nissa, Ascended Animist