4 Creeping Chill 1 Golgari Grave-Troll 4 Prized Amalgam 4 Hollow One 1 Mental Misstep 3 Cabal Therapy 3 Noxious Revival 4 Bazaar of Baghdad 4 Shambling Shell 4 Stinkweed Imp 4 Narcomoeba 4 Ichorid 1 Force of Negation 4 Force of Will 4 Grief 4 Serum Powder 4 Golgari Thug 3 Bridge from Below Sideboard 1 Noxious Revival 4 Force of Vigor 2 Sickening Shoal 1 Strip Mine 1 Chalice of the Void 4 Leyline of the Void 2 Wasteland