// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Balustrade Spy // CREATOR : GiorgioCombo // FORMAT : Pauper 1 [OGW] Natural State 1 [IA] Songs of the Damned 1 [] Crawl from the Cellar 1 [TSP] Dread Return 3 [] Malevolent Rumble 4 [FD] Conjurer's Bauble 4 [US] Duress 4 [] Many Partings 4 [MM] Land Grant 4 [] Elven Farsight 1 [ALA] Dregscape Zombie 1 [] Cauldron Familiar 2 [] Lotleth Giant 4 [CHK] Sakura-Tribe Elder 4 [RTR] Gatecreeper Vine 4 [] Troll of Khazad-dûm 4 [RAV] Dimir House Guard 4 [] Generous Ent 4 [GTC] Balustrade Spy 2 [A] Swamp 3 [A] Forest SB: 4 [] Masked Vandal SB: 3 [] Healer of the Glade SB: 1 [JU] Flaring Pain SB: 1 [WWK] Dispel SB: 4 [MM] Snuff Out SB: 1 [] Jack-o'-Lantern SB: 1 [A] Swamp