// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Golgari Doll // CREATOR : Diego_Lacedonia // FORMAT : Pauper 1 [MM] Snuff Out 1 [NE] Seal of Doom 2 [] Fanatical Offering 2 [] Eviscerator's Insight 2 [] Blood Fountain 2 [AER] Implement of Ferocity 2 [SOM] Nihil Spellbomb 3 [] Cast Down 4 [MBS] Ichor Wellspring 4 [] Deadly Dispute 4 [US] Duress 2 [] Evolution Witness 3 [] Pactdoll Terror 4 [] Refurbished Familiar 4 [] Troublemaker Ouphe 4 [] Darkmoss Bridge 4 [WWK] Khalni Garden 4 [MR] Vault of Whispers 8 [A] Swamp SB: 1 [CN2] Thorn of the Black Rose SB: 4 [BNG] Drown in Sorrow SB: 4 [] Weather the Storm SB: 2 [] Pilfer SB: 1 [MM] Snuff Out SB: 2 [NE] Seal of Doom SB: 1 [SOM] Nihil Spellbomb