// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Goblins // CREATOR : Gonito // FORMAT : Standard 3 [] Agatha's Soul Cauldron 4 [] Torch the Tower 1 [] Searslicer Goblin 3 [] Dropkick Bomber 3 [] Fanatical Firebrand 4 [] Greasewrench Goblin 4 [] Krenko, Mob Boss 4 [] Howlsquad Heavy 4 [] Rundvelt Hordemaster 4 [] Draconautics Engineer 4 [] Burnout Bashtronaut 1 [] Three Tree City 2 [] Sunbillow Verge 3 [] Soulstone Sanctuary 4 [] Inspiring Vantage 4 [] Battlefield Forge 8 [] Mountain SB: 3 [] Lightning Helix SB: 2 [] Sheltered by Ghosts SB: 2 [RTR] Rest in Peace SB: 2 [] Sunspine Lynx SB: 3 [] Invasion of Gobakhan SB: 3 [] Destroy Evil