// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Persistent Petitioners // CREATOR : Kiki // FORMAT : Pauper 2 [] Rimewood Falls 8 [A] Island 4 [A] Forest 4 [AVR] Seraph Sanctuary 4 [] Glistener Seer 4 [] Universal Automaton 4 [MOR] Mothdust Changeling 4 [] Pond Prophet 4 [] Masked Vandal 10 [] Persistent Petitioners 4 [] Generous Ent 4 [] Winding Way 4 [ISD] Gnaw to the Bone SB: 2 [LRW] Spellstutter Sprite SB: 4 [ALA] Relic of Progenitus SB: 2 [AN] Sandstorm SB: 3 [WWK] Dispel SB: 4 [MOR] Deglamer