// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Rakdos Prowess // CREATOR : Adrikmtg // FORMAT : Pioneer 4 [] Cacophony Scamp 4 [] Turn Inside Out 4 [] Ancestral Anger 3 [] Monastery Swiftspear 4 [] Emberheart Challenger 3 [] Callous Sell-Sword 2 [HOU] Claim / Fame 4 [] Slickshot Show-Off 4 [] Monstrous Rage 4 [] Leyline of Resonance 4 [] Blackcleave Cliffs 1 [] Mountain 2 [HOU] Ramunap Ruins 1 [] Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 4 [] Sulfurous Springs 4 [] Blood Crypt 2 [] Blightstep Pathway 2 [] Den of the Bugbear 4 [] Heartfire Hero SB: 1 [] Feed the Swarm SB: 2 [] Unlicensed Hearse SB: 4 [AER] Fatal Push SB: 2 [THS] Thoughtseize SB: 2 [] Play with Fire SB: 2 [] Ob Nixilis, the Adversary SB: 2 [AKH] Hazoret the Fervent