// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Eldrazi Ramp // CREATOR : wutup // FORMAT : Modern 2 [] Tale's End 2 [] Force of Negation 3 [10E] Mind Stone 4 [MR] Chalice of the Void 1 [] Breaker of Creation 1 [ROE] Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 3 [] Devourer of Destiny 4 [] Nulldrifter 4 [] Tishana's Tidebinder 1 [] Hall of Storm Giants 1 [] Otawara, Soaring City 1 [] Field of Ruin 4 [] Portent of Calamity 4 [M10] Time Warp 4 [] Kozilek's Command 4 [] Dress Down 4 [ROE] Eldrazi Temple 4 [] Ugin's Labyrinth 9 [] Island SB: 2 [] Subtlety SB: 3 [NPH] Dismember SB: 2 [] Test of Talents SB: 2 [] Soul-Guide Lantern SB: 4 [] Consign to Memory SB: 2 [CS] Commandeer