// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : WW Heroics // CREATOR : Qikfix // FORMAT : Pauper 1 [ROE] Emerge Unscathed 2 [DTK] Glaring Aegis 2 [] Homestead Courage 1 [M10] Lifelink 3 [] Benevolent Blessing 3 [AKH] Cartouche of Solidarity 4 [RTR] Ethereal Armor 4 [ROE] Hyena Umbra 4 [] Solid Footing 4 [] Sentinel's Eyes 3 [] Armored Armadillo 4 [JOU] Lagonna-Band Trailblazer 4 [BNG] Akroan Skyguard 4 [AKH] Sacred Cat 17 [A] Plains SB: 4 [GTC] Shattering Blow SB: 3 [UD] Mask of Law and Grace SB: 2 [LG] Spirit Link SB: 3 [AP] Standard Bearer SB: 2 [ROE] Emerge Unscathed SB: 1 [M10] Lifelink