// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Tortured Existence // CREATOR : floyza // FORMAT : Pauper 2 [] Cache Grab 4 [] Malevolent Rumble 4 [] Dihada's Ploy 4 [SH] Tortured Existence 1 [] Kitchen Imp 1 [RAV] Shambling Shell 1 [DIS] Enigma Eidolon 1 [] Masked Vandal 2 [SC] Carrion Feeder 2 [] Accursed Marauder 2 [PY] Spore Frog 2 [BNG] Satyr Wayfinder 2 [] Mire Triton 3 [] Footlight Fiend 4 [] Troll of Khazad-dûm 4 [] Shipwreck Sifters 4 [DIS] Entropic Eidolon 1 [] Haunted Mire 1 [] Contaminated Aquifer 1 [] Thriving Moor 2 [A] Forest 4 [A] Swamp 4 [] Thriving Grove 4 [] Thriving Isle SB: 3 [] Healer of the Glade SB: 3 [] Suffocating Fumes SB: 1 [ISD] Gnaw to the Bone SB: 2 [SHM] Faerie Macabre SB: 3 [MOR] Negate SB: 3 [] Masked Vandal