// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Dimir Faeries // CREATOR : Fabrizio_Campanino // FORMAT : Pauper 1 [] Extract a Confession 1 [] Suffocating Fumes 1 [ALA] Agony Warp 3 [IA] Brainstorm 3 [M11] Preordain 3 [] Cast Down 4 [A] Counterspell 4 [] Lórien Revealed 4 [MM] Snuff Out 1 [] Murmuring Mystic 3 [BOK] Ninja of the Deep Hours 3 [] Faerie Seer 3 [CN2] Thorn of the Black Rose 4 [LRW] Spellstutter Sprite 4 [M13] Augur of Bolas 1 [RAV] Dimir Aqueduct 1 [] Foreboding Landscape 1 [WWK] Bojuka Bog 1 [A] Swamp 4 [] Contaminated Aquifer 10 [A] Island SB: 2 [] Mukotai Ambusher SB: 2 [ALA] Relic of Progenitus SB: 4 [IA] Hydroblast SB: 2 [WWK] Dispel SB: 2 [] Arms of Hadar SB: 2 [US] Annul SB: 1 [] Extract a Confession