// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Ur Control // CREATOR : Matteo_Mangiaracina // FORMAT : Premodern 1 [TE] Capsize 2 [UL] Faerie Conclave 2 [IN] Fact or Fiction 1 [EX] Forbid 11 [A] Island 2 [A] Mountain 1 [UL] Ghitu Encampment 1 [AN] City of Brass 4 [AQ] Mishra's Factory 4 [AP] Shivan Reef 1 [US] Morphling 4 [ON] Chain of Vapor 4 [A] Counterspell 4 [AP] Fire / Ice 4 [VI] Impulse 4 [A] Lightning Bolt 3 [SH] Mana Leak 2 [AP] Prophetic Bolt 1 [A] Fireball 4 [OD] Standstill SB: 4 [A] Red Elemental Blast SB: 4 [A] Blue Elemental Blast SB: 2 [US] Annul SB: 2 [TE] Propaganda SB: 2 [DK] Tormod's Crypt SB: 1 [IA] Pyroclasm