// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Gruul Initiative // CREATOR : Jakob_Dresler // FORMAT : Legacy 1 [MR] Chrome Mox 1 [] Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes 4 [TE] Lotus Petal 4 [MR] Chalice of the Void 4 [] Once Upon a Time 4 [] Caves of Chaos Adventurer 4 [AL] Elvish Spirit Guide 4 [] Fury 4 [FUT] Magus of the Moon 4 [PLC] Simian Spirit Guide 4 [] Undermountain Adventurer 4 [] Broadside Bombardiers 1 [A] Taiga 1 [A] Forest 2 [ON] Wooded Foothills 2 [A] Mountain 4 [TE] Ancient Tomb 4 [AVR] Cavern of Souls 4 [EX] City of Traitors SB: 3 [DS] Trinisphere SB: 2 [IA] Pyroblast SB: 4 [GP] Leyline of the Void SB: 2 [] Force of Vigor SB: 1 [ROE] Emrakul, the Aeons Torn SB: 3 [] Disruptor Flute