// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Urzatron // CREATOR : saidin.raken // FORMAT : Pauper 4 [TSP] Chromatic Star 4 [] Deadly Dispute 4 [AQ] Urza's Mine 4 [AQ] Urza's Tower 4 [AQ] Urza's Power Plant 2 [AQ] Ashnod's Altar 1 [] Blood Fountain 2 [] Conduit Pylons 4 [MR] Myr Retriever 4 [ZEN] Expedition Map 3 [] Energy Refractor 2 [UL] Crop Rotation 3 [IA] Snow-Covered Swamp 4 [MBS] Ichor Wellspring 4 [] Candy Trail 4 [] Eviscerator's Insight 3 [KLD] Foundry Inspector 4 [] Pactdoll Terror SB: 2 [SOM] Nihil Spellbomb SB: 1 [TSP] Ancient Grudge SB: 2 [] Weather the Storm SB: 3 [SC] Scattershot SB: 4 [NE] Seal of Doom SB: 3 [MR] Krark-Clan Shaman