// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Grixis Aggro // CREATOR : SoIMBAGallade // FORMAT : Standard 2 [] Kaito, Bane of Nightmares 3 [] Proft's Eidetic Memory 3 [] Nowhere to Run 3 [] Hopeless Nightmare 3 [] Torch the Tower 4 [] This Town Ain't Big Enough 4 [] Stormchaser's Talent 2 [] Inti, Seneschal of the Sun 3 [] Spyglass Siren 3 [] Fear of Isolation 4 [] Steamcore Scholar 4 [] Fear of Missing Out 1 [] Sulfurous Springs 1 [] Island 1 [] Restless Reef 3 [] Underground River 4 [] Blackcleave Cliffs 4 [] Spirebluff Canal 4 [] Shivan Reef 4 [] Darkslick Shores SB: 3 [] Duress SB: 2 [] Ghost Vacuum SB: 2 [] Pyroclasm SB: 2 [] Tishana's Tidebinder SB: 2 [] Go for the Throat SB: 2 [] Gix's Command SB: 2 [] The Witch's Vanity