// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Pump Poison Storm // CREATOR : Savok // FORMAT : Modern 4 [TSP] Gemstone Mine 4 [FUT] Grove of the Burnwillows 3 [JOU] Mana Confluence 3 [] Copperline Gorge 1 [] Forest 1 [] Stomping Ground 4 [] Venerated Rotpriest 2 [GP] Wild Cantor 4 [FUT] Summoner's Pact 4 [MBS] Green Sun's Zenith 4 [NPH] Mutagenic Growth 4 [] Tamiyo's Safekeeping 4 [] Profane Tutor 4 [SHM] Manamorphose 4 [TSP] Ground Rift 4 [] Revitalizing Repast 2 [M15] Gather Courage 2 [] March of Burgeoning Life 1 [] Royal Treatment 1 [TSP] Grapeshot SB: 1 [] Collector Ouphe SB: 4 [] Veil of Summer SB: 2 [] Orvar, the All-Form SB: 4 [] Pyroclasm SB: 4 [WWK] Nature's Claim