// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Hammer Time // CREATOR : HelpfulHobo // FORMAT : Modern 2 [] Surge of Salvation 1 [] Razorgrass Ambush 3 [] Witch Enchanter 1 [FD] Paradise Mantle 6 [] Plains 4 [AER] Ornithopter 1 [SOM] Memnite 4 [SOM] Mox Opal 3 [MBS] Inkmoth Nexus 4 [NPH] Puresteel Paladin 3 [FUT] Horizon Canopy 4 [EMN] Sigarda's Aid 4 [WWK] Stoneforge Mystic 3 [] Giver of Runes 4 [] Colossus Hammer 1 [] Gingerbrute 1 [] Shadowspear 4 [] Esper Sentinel 1 [] Kaldra Compleat 1 [] Nettlecyst 4 [] Urza's Saga 1 [] Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire SB: 1 [] Soul-Guide Lantern SB: 1 [] Reprieve SB: 1 [] Vexing Bauble SB: 1 [PLC] Mana Tithe SB: 1 [] Grafdigger's Cage SB: 2 [] Drannith Magistrate SB: 1 [] Pithing Needle SB: 4 [] Sanctifier en-Vec SB: 3 [] March of Otherworldly Light