// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Azorius Aggro // CREATOR : Tonouchi_Keita // FORMAT : Standard 4 [] Knight-Errant of Eos 4 [] Regal Bunnicorn 4 [] Warden of the Inner Sky 4 [] Spyglass Siren 4 [] Novice Inspector 4 [] Mockingbird 4 [] Dusk Rose Reliquary 4 [] Zoetic Glyph 4 [] Dollmaker's Shop / Porcelain Gallery 2 [] Sheltered by Ghosts 4 [] Plains 4 [] Island 4 [] Adarkar Wastes 4 [] Seachrome Coast 1 [] Mirrex 2 [] Restless Anchorage 3 [] Floodfarm Verge SB: 2 [] Sheltered by Ghosts SB: 2 [] Negate SB: 3 [] Destroy Evil SB: 4 [] Protect the Negotiators SB: 4 [] Skrelv's Hive